Do you know the level of exposure you and your family may be experiencing on a daily basis?
Lead in your water can damage the nervous system and reduce the intelligence capabilities of children.
Bacteria and/or high sulfate levels can have adverse effects on the gastrointestinal system. Fact:
Atrazine and other common herbicides, industrial chemicals and pesticides can cause tumor growth.
Municipal systems are only responsible for water quality leaving treatment facilities, not the water you drink in your home.
As a society on a whole we ingest thousands of bacteria and organisms on a daily basis that our body is forced to fight off. It is any wonder we have a rise in cancers, weight gain, obesity, and many other diseases.
- What are we doing to make sure not only are we getting the purest of water?
- What are we doing to provide a safe household for our children, family and friends?
- How are we protecting them?
- What happens when there is a main water break and we are told not to use the water for hours or days and all the bottle water in the stores are gone?
- How will we feed our families, bath and so forth?
The only way to make sure you are getting the healthiest water with out paying for bottle water all the time is to have your own purification system. I am not referring to a water filter, I am referring to a purification system. Check out the video above to learn the difference.
For more information on the best purification system in the market check out this link:
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