Free Lunch and Learn Health Workshop for Women

Free Lunch and Learn Health Workshop for Women (Click Here for more INFO)

Free Lunch and Learn Workshop for Women

Join us Tuesday, October 19th from 12-1pm for a fun and informative

lunchtime workshop where we will discuss various

topics on women’s health. Lunch will be provided. This event is

free and open to the public, but we do ask that you RSVP by

Monday, October 18th. (Please let them know CFF sent you!)

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

How Safe is YOUR Drinking Water?

How Safe is YOUR Drinking Water?

Do you know the level of exposure you and your family may be experiencing on a daily basis?

Lead in your water can damage the nervous system and reduce the intelligence capabilities of children.

Bacteria and/or high sulfate levels can have adverse effects on the gastrointestinal system. Fact:
Atrazine and other common herbicides, industrial chemicals and pesticides can cause tumor growth.
Municipal systems are only responsible for water quality leaving treatment facilities, not the water you drink in your home.

As a society on a whole we ingest thousands of bacteria and organisms on a daily basis that our body is forced to fight off. It is any wonder we have a rise in cancers, weight gain, obesity, and many other diseases.

  • What are we doing to make sure not only are we getting the purest of water?
  • What are we doing to provide a safe household for our children, family and friends?
  • How are we protecting them?
  • What happens when there is a main water break and we are told not to use the water for hours or days and all the bottle water in the stores are gone?
  • How will we feed our families, bath and so forth?

The only way to make sure you are getting the healthiest water with out paying for bottle water all the time is to have your own purification system. I am not referring to a water filter, I am referring to a purification system. Check out the video above to learn the difference.

For more information on the best purification system in the market check out this link:

Monday, August 23, 2010

Green Products that are SAFE for the Environment

Ever wonder if there will ever be some cleaning products out there that are safe for the family, safe for the kids and safe on your surfaces. Plus it works like a charm.

Check this out: Mildly abrasive Soft Cleanser uses natural resources like crushed marble, washing soda, and orange oil, to cut through soil and grime but go easy on scratch-prone surfaces. Everything finishes pristine and clean. So it’s all smooth sailing from here.

Just check out the video and see how this awesome product compares to other products in the market..

Oh and, it is dermatologist-tested. Has no phosphates, chlorine, or other unpleasant ingredients that could harm the environment.
Friday, August 20, 2010

Everyday Fitness

Everyday Fitness

with Pamela Peeke, MD, MPH, FACP
pulled from -

Living life to the fullest is all about striving for a mind-body balance every day. Achieve a mental, nutritional, and physical transformation for life with tips from wellness expert Pamela Peeke, MD.

Take a look at my Diet Community and you’ll see a discussion group that I entitledI was doing just fine with my weight management program UNTIL___.” This was a real hit, with countless postings ranging from words of wisdom, “Get serious about getting rid of over eating triggers, even if it means your husband!” to pleas for help, “No matter what I do, I only seem to last no more than 2 or 3 months and then I fall apart, once again.”

Based upon this discussion group and my daily interactions with patients who are slugging it out striving to maintain their weight removal achievements, I’ve decided to concentrate on one key element of lifelong weight maintenance – vigilance.

Vigilance is the state of being vigilant, the Latin derivation of which means to keep watch, stay awake and be watchful, especially to avoid danger. It doesn’t mean you have to turn yourself into a crazed obsessed worrier. It simply means be on red alert for those situations when you know you’ll be more vulnerable to self-destructive habits.

For example, let’s say you’ve never had a problem eating a healthy breakfast and lunch. But when 3 PM rolls around, you’re fighting a well-entrenched habit of sauntering over to the vending machines and loading up on candy and cookies. This is when you must be much more vigilant and become acutely aware of your choices and actions. Red alert times are when you tend to a become a food zombie, mindlessly deferring to old habits, and then awakening from a binge coma to realize with shock and horror that you’ve just downed a mountain of food.

In addition to times of day, sometimes we’re hit with one of life’s curve balls and your best healthy lifestyle intentions can easily and mindlessly fall by the wayside. Carole is a 45-year-old mother of 3 with a strong family history of serious obesity. She’d been an athletic woman, giving birth to three fabulous boys, and life was going well until one of her son’s was diagnosed with a medical condition. Being the ultimate caregiver, she dropped her healthy habits and promptly allowed her genes to take over.

Remember my favorite saying: “Genetics may load the gun, but environment pulls the trigger.” She’d kept her genes at bay until she was seriously challenged. The good news is that her son came through with flying colors. The bad news was she gained 130 pounds over the course of 3 years. Talk about a long food coma. Once she was ready to make the change, she reversed her habits and shed the 130 pounds and for three years maintained her newly fit self quite well.

Then, she got hit with another caregiver sledgehammer when her aging mother became demented and unmanageable, draining her mental and physical energy with endless doctor’s visits and terrible temper tantrums. 50 pounds later, Carole awakened from her food trance long enough to realize that instead of donning her nice form fitting clothes, she was back to elastic. She literally had no memory of passing through 4 dress sizes. Such is the power of dissociation. At one point, Carole looked at me and said in a voice of disbelief, “I thought I was there. You know. I’d reached my goal and I was going to stay there for life no matter what stress happened. Boy, was I wrong.

Carole dropped her vigilance and voila, the weight was back.

Thankfully, Carole learned her lesson and so will you. Here are mindfulness tips and tools to keep you vigilant and help you succeed at maintaining your lifelong weight management journey:

1. Once you reach your “there,” you have to work to maintain it. First up, get it out of your mind that some mythical fairy tale easy life “there” exists. You can never achieve a weight goal and just expect to maintain that accomplishment without continuous work. You may have shed 50 pounds and be happy at this moment. But if you let it go, and you don’t continue the very same healthy lifestyle habits that helped you reach your goal, you’ll regain the weight.

2. Plan for your red alerts. Take a moment and make a list of the kinds of stresses that have usually kicked you right into self- destruction. Any person, place or thing that triggers you to overeat and abandon your healthy habits needs to be counted and recognized. This include specific times of day when you are more vulnerable to going mindless and knee jerking into an old self-destructive habit. For each item on your list, write down at least 3 strategies for proactively preventing this stress from getting to you. If you’re grabbing junk to eat every mid-afternoon, plan to bring a satisfying snack to curb carb cravings and rein in overeating at dinner.

3.Adapt and adjust to unexpected life events. You never know when a serious stress will occur in your life. This is when you need to understand the golden rule of coping: Under tough stresses, learn to adapt and adjust without self-destruction. If you practice stress management every day, then you’ll have honed your skills enough not to get derailed when you hit the big speed bumps of life. Yoga, meditation, journaling, the outdoors, family and friends are all great resources to draw from when the going gets that tough.

4. Ask for help. Don’t be shy. Be vigilant and aware of the fact that you’re falling off the wagon. Minimize damage control by asking for professional help if you need it. Counselors, nutritionists and fitness professionals are all there to partner with you as you seek to regroup and get back on track.

For a supplement that is proven to help with weight loss go to:

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Skin Care Serums

Skin care serums are usually not meant to work as moisturizers - they are meant to treat. Top serums with a hydrating moisturizer to seal in active ingredients and allow them to penetrate deep into the skin.

Almost instantly-firmer skin - with a better-than 50% long-term improvement after 3 weeks. TIME DEFIANCE 3D Lifting Serum provides instant and long-term results with two exclusive complexes for firmer, tighter, more visually lifted skin.

For a free skin assessment click here:
Thursday, May 27, 2010

How to protect all 206 of your bones!

Protect all 206 of your bones so they can offer you strong support.

Bones are constantly being renewed and can grow stronger with a good diet and weight-bearing exercise. You make time for your outer appearance, but make sure your inner support system is taken care of so that you’ll be on the move for years to come:

  • Stick with a diet to feed your bones. Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables and low-fat dairy.
  • Get enough calcium, vitamin D, magnesium, and vitamin K/K2.
  • Keep moving against gravity. Examples include: running, brisk walking, weightlifting, and jump roping.
  • Maintain a healthy weight. Being underweight can raise the risk of fracture and bone loss.
  • Quit smoking. Smoking can reduce bone mass and may increase your risks for a broken bone.
  • Limit alcohol use. Large amounts can reduce bone mass and may increase your risks for a broken bone.

To help you in your quest for a full, active lifestyle, the NUTRILITE® brand has a family of bone health products to help you fill in your calcium, vitamin D, magnesium, and vitamin K/K2 nutritional gaps. These products include:

Pulled from the Wellness Wire on Nutrilite
Monday, March 22, 2010

Are you getting enough calcium for strong bones?

Are you getting enough calcium for strong bones?

“Sticks and stones can break my bones …”

You might have uttered this popular comeback in childhood as a response to playground teasing. Another childhood mainstay – milk – contains an important ingredient that can impact your bone health so that you can experience a full, active lifestyle.

What is it? Calcium, of course. You may not know that your entire body uses calcium, not just your bones and teeth. Your body doesn’t produce calcium, so you must get it from your diet and supplements. If you don’t have enough calcium in your system to satisfy all your calcium needs, your body will start stealing calcium from your bones. This causes your bones to weaken over time, and can turn a simple fall into a serious break.

Here are some tips for making wise calcium-enriched food choices:

  • Include fat-free or low-fat milk as a beverage at meals or add it to oatmeal or cereal.
  • Drink cappuccinos or lattes with fat-free or skim milk.
  • Use low-fat cheese in casseroles, soups, or vegetables.
  • Add broccoli, kale, nuts, and salmon as a regular part of your diet.

If you are not able to take in the right amounts of calcium in your diet, the NUTRILITE® brand can fill in the gap with NUTRILITE Cal Mag D. Cal Mag D provides 250 mg of calcium per tablet from three sources and uses 100 International Units (IU) of vitamin D to improve calcium absorption to your bones. Fall into the habit of getting the right amount of calcium daily and help to keep your bones strong.

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