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Ageless beauty for an ageless target. .How to protect all 206 of your bones!

Protect all 206 of your bones so they can offer you strong support.
Bones are constantly being renewed and can grow stronger with a good diet and weight-bearing exercise. You make time for your outer appearance, but make sure your inner support system is taken care of so that you’ll be on the move for years to come:
- Stick with a diet to feed your bones. Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables and low-fat dairy.
- Get enough calcium, vitamin D, magnesium, and vitamin K/K2.
- Keep moving against gravity. Examples include: running, brisk walking, weightlifting, and jump roping.
- Maintain a healthy weight. Being underweight can raise the risk of fracture and bone loss.
- Quit smoking. Smoking can reduce bone mass and may increase your risks for a broken bone.
- Limit alcohol use. Large amounts can reduce bone mass and may increase your risks for a broken bone.
To help you in your quest for a full, active lifestyle, the NUTRILITE® brand has a family of bone health products to help you fill in your calcium, vitamin D, magnesium, and vitamin K/K2 nutritional gaps. These products include:
- NUTRILITE® DOUBLE X® Vitamin/Mineral/Phytonutrient
- NUTRILITE Daily Multivitamin/Multimineral
- NUTRILITE Women’s Supplement Pack
- NUTRILITE Men’s Supplement Pack
- NUTRILITE Vitamin D3 2000 IU plus vitamin K2
- You can find these and many more at jwaller.qhealthbeauty.com
Are you getting enough calcium for strong bones?

Are you getting enough calcium for strong bones?
“Sticks and stones can break my bones …”
You might have uttered this popular comeback in childhood as a response to playground teasing. Another childhood mainstay – milk – contains an important ingredient that can impact your bone health so that you can experience a full, active lifestyle.
What is it? Calcium, of course. You may not know that your entire body uses calcium, not just your bones and teeth. Your body doesn’t produce calcium, so you must get it from your diet and supplements. If you don’t have enough calcium in your system to satisfy all your calcium needs, your body will start stealing calcium from your bones. This causes your bones to weaken over time, and can turn a simple fall into a serious break.
Here are some tips for making wise calcium-enriched food choices:
- Include fat-free or low-fat milk as a beverage at meals or add it to oatmeal or cereal.
- Drink cappuccinos or lattes with fat-free or skim milk.
- Use low-fat cheese in casseroles, soups, or vegetables.
- Add broccoli, kale, nuts, and salmon as a regular part of your diet.
If you are not able to take in the right amounts of calcium in your diet, the NUTRILITE® brand can fill in the gap with NUTRILITE Cal Mag D. Cal Mag D provides 250 mg of calcium per tablet from three sources and uses 100 International Units (IU) of vitamin D to improve calcium absorption to your bones. Fall into the habit of getting the right amount of calcium daily and help to keep your bones strong.
Are your vitamin D needs being met?

Are your vitamin D needs being met?
It may be the most talked about vitamin in years. Articles about vitamin D have appeared in so many national publications, it’s hard to keep track.
Vitamin D is found in some foods, and it is produced naturally by the body when skin is exposed to sunlight.
So you may be asking … ”Why the hype about vitamin D?”
Recent research has shown that most people do not get enough vitamin D – 2,000 International Units (IU) daily are now recommended – and most likely, people don’t even know they’re not getting enough. So, why do you care if you’re getting enough, or not?
Vitamin D is known for helping the body absorb calcium for strong bones and teeth. Are strong bones important to you? Vitamin D also supports breast, colon, and immune system health. Are any of these a priority to you?
The NUTRILITE® brand can fill in your vitamin D gap with NUTRILITE Vitamin D3 2000 IU plus vitamin K2. It’s packed with 2,000 IU of vitamin D, so you’re getting the naturally occurring form of vitamin D that your body produces when exposed to sunlight – in an amount that is equal to twenty 8-oz. glasses of milk. And that is good news you can use.(Pulled from Nutrilite Wellness Wire)
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