Acne - What Increases Your Risk.

Acne Vulgaris - What Increases Your Risk

The tendency to develop acne runs in families. You are more likely to develop severe acne if your parents had severe acne.

The risk of developing acne is highest during the teen and young adult years. These are the years when hormones such as testosterone are increasing. Women who are at the age of menstruation also are more likely to develop acne. Many women have acne flare-ups in the days just before their menstrual periods.

Acne can be irritated or made worse by:
  • Wearing straps or other tight-fitting items that rub against the skin (such as a football player wearing shoulder pads), as well as using equipment that rubs against the body (such as a violin held between the cheek and shoulder). Helmets, bra straps, headbands, and turtleneck sweaters also may cause acne to get worse.
  • Using skin and hair care products that contain irritating substances.
  • Washing the face too often or scrubbing the face too hard. Using harsh soaps or very hot water can also cause acne to get worse.
  • Experiencing a lot of stress.
  • Touching the face a lot. - Oops I do that. :-)
  • Sweating a lot.
  • Having hair hanging in the face, which can cause the skin to be oilier.
  • Taking certain medications.
  • Working with oils and harsh chemicals on a regular basis.

Products I use to help me control and get rid of it is Clear.Now

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Fruits and Veggies: Friend or Foe?

Fruits and Veggies: Friend or Foe?
Dr. Duke Johnson, M.D.
Medical Director, Nutrilite Health Institute

Lately, fruits and veggies have gotten mixed reviews. If we were making a superhero movie, the established medical community would cast fruits and veggies as the heroes. But other popular diet books, such as the Atkins Diet, have painted these nutritious foods as the villains. With so much conflicting information out there, it's no wonder people are confused! So, let's get the facts and clear things up.

Conflicting Messages
All too often, medical news is filled with conflicting messages. For example, we hear dietary fat is dangerous, but then learn Omega-3 fats are good. Doctors tell us sunlight causes skin cancer, but that it also helps by increasing vitamin D. One day carbohydrates are bad, but then we find out they're actually ok. The list seems to go on and on.

The news about fruits and vegetables has been equally confusing. For a long time, everyone seemed to know that fruits and vegetables provide major health benefits. But then, the Atkins Diet and other "low-carb" diets came along, creating mass confusion. These diets were based on the belief that carbohydrates – the main macronutrient in fruits and vegetables – cause health problems because they raise blood sugar, which leads to obesity and chronic disease. Unfortunately, people took this advice too far and began to treat all carbohydrates like the plague.

The Real Dish on Fruits and Veggies
In reality, carbohydrates are not the cause of our chronic disease epidemics. For proof, simply look to Eastern Asia. In this part of the world, a carbohydrate – rice – has been a staple food for centuries. However, chronic diseases have not been a major health issue in these areas until the last few decades. That means, in general, that carbohydrates are not to blame for our current chronic disease epidemic.

When considering carbohydrates, it is important to know the difference between simple and complex carbohydrates. Simple carbohydrates are sometimes called "bad" carbs because they contain very little fiber and break down quickly. Simple carbohydrates are also a concern for people with diabetes, because they are high on the glycemic index, meaning the sugar from these carbohydrates enters the system quickly and raises blood sugar levels. Examples of simple carbohydrates are candy bars and other sweets.

Complex carbohydrates – the type found in fruits and vegetables – are trapped in fiber and take longer to break down. These foods increase the bulk of your meal and help you feel full longer, and that's why they're often called "good" carbs. They are also low glycemic index foods, making them better choices for diabetics and others who are working to control their blood sugar levels.

A Healthy ChoiceThe bottom line on fruits and veggies is that these complex carbohydrates are packed with fiber and low on the glycemic index, making them a key component of a healthy diet. Research has shown diets low in saturated fat and cholesterol and high in fruits and vegetables and fiber-rich grain products may reduce the risk of coronary heart disease and certain cancers. And to top it all off, they're convenient, simple to prepare, and delicious. With so many benefits, let's all commit to getting five to nine servings of fruits and vegetables every day.
Dr. Duke Johnson,
M.D. Medical Director, Nutrilite Health Institute

Your Fruit and Veggie Game Plan

Your Fruit and Veggie Game Plan
By. Dr. Duke Johnson, M.D.
Medical Director, Nutrilite Health Institute

Fruits and vegetables are enormously important chess pieces in your defense against certain cancers (and unlike other chess pieces, they’re very tasty!). They are loaded with antioxidants and phytonutrients that provide tremendous protection.
Dr. Duke’s Game Plan

  • Eating seven to nine servings of fruits and vegetables daily is like adding a queen to your side of the chessboard.
  • Make fruits and vegetables a part of every meal and eat them for snacks as well.
  • When you choose fruits and vegetables, think color.

To get over 10 servings of daily fruits and vegetables!

Eye Cream Article by

Artistry Time Defiance Lifting Eye Crème recommended by

Lifting Eye Crème is in the top five of the Skinovations Round Up. seeks out and reports on the best beauty and skin care products available.

One of its reporters reviewed ARTISTRY® TIME DEFIANCE® Lifting Eye Crème and included it in the June 2009 Skinovations Round Up. The author describes how Lifting Eye Crème can preserve elasticity in order to keep the eye area looking youthful. Also highlighted are a few unique ingredients that help reduce the appearance of dark circles and puffiness.

Read about it here:
Eye cream is a girl’s best friend. And like a loyal friend, a good one will fight to keep the enemy away. Our enemy? The aging process, of course. Sure, age makes us wiser, but who likes wrinkles, dark circles and saggy skin? Meet Artistry Time Defiance Lifting Eye Crème, your new defiant friend. This buttery cream preserves elasticity, keeping the area around the eyes supple and youthful. Formulated with rosemary extract and soybean protein, the cream strengthens capillaries and rejuvenates the skin in order to remedy dark circles. Caffeine will battle puffiness by shrinking blood vessels and dehydrating the fat cells. Bonus: some studies show that caffeine may eliminate skin cancer cells caused by UV rays.


61 Universal Success Tips

61 Universal Success Tips For a Better Life and Business
By Brian Herosian - a very wealthy Multi-Millionaire who serves people all over the world! He is the #1 Health and Fitness Expert in Winnipeg, Canada and has helped thousands of people become financially free.

I am blessed to have access to his brain and his mentorship. I thank God for this opportunity!

Please read all of it and enjoy!!!!

I don't know how you define success, but for me, it's being able to do what I want, when I want, for as long as I want…and if I could add just one more tiny little thing to my definition of success - it would be to have positively affected humanity in one way or another, no matter how small, before I kick the can.

That’s me, what about you?

Today I just started jotting down ideas as quickly as they came to me. When I was done I ended up with this list of 61 success tips for a better life, business, and general world domination stuff.Here they are… in no particular order…I hope you like them. And these came from many different sources over many years of experience and hundreds of books, cd’s, seminars, private coaching sessions, you name it, from many different people to numerous to name.

1. Serve a starving crowd. Don't be everything to everyone. Find your niche, the things you're passionate about, and the people you like working with. Life's too short to just "get by".

2. Create multiple income streams. Gone are the days of linear income. Today the most successful have multiple income streams. If you want reliability, REAL security and stability in your business… think multiple income streams.

3. Leverage time, technology, and others, and by that I mean VALUE your time and do the things that move you forward and outsource everything else.

4. Create recurring income streams because who wants to only be as good as their last sale?

5. Thank your parents. Seriously. I'm thankful to my parents for bring me to this awesome country at such a young age. The opportunities I have here are ENDLESS. When was the last time you thanked your parents?

6. Pay it forward. It just flat out feels good. And when you do, without expecting anything in return, the universe somehow pays you back in spades.

7. Be thankful for what you have. No one is entitled.

8. Build, nurture, and cultivate your list. The list is king. Always has been… and always will be. Abuse or neglect your list and pay the price.

9. Never give up - you don't know if you are just one more step away from success.

10. Focus on the critical 5% because these are the things that leap frog you forward in life and business. Outsource the other 95%.

11. Don't major on minor things.

12. Always up sell, because if you have a decent product or service then you have an ethical obligation to give your clients the best you have.

13. Charge what you're worth. Never undervalue yourself. Don't compete on price. Raise your rates NOW and increase value. It's really a simple formula.

14. The money's in the backend. If you don't or won't sell your clients more of what they want - they'll give your money to someone else.

15. Solve a problem. It's really that simple. Be the solution to a specific program.

16. Never lie, cheat, or steal. Its short sighted, gets you nowhere fast, and once again the universe will pay you back in spades if you do.

17. Get a little bit of money from a lot of people. This advice was the biggest "ah ha" moment of my life.

18. Guarantee everything. People are skeptical these days and rightfully so, there's so much crap out there. Do you believe in your product or service? Put your money where your mouth is and guarantee it.

19. Keep your word. ALWAYS

20. Live in abundance. It's a state of mind and a way if life. There's enough for everyone.

21. Avoid crabs and vampires. You know who they are in your life. The folks that are like kryptonite when they come around you. AVOID THEM AT ALL COST.

22. Read two books a month.

23. Blog about it. It's your platform to your market and followers. But don't deliver bad content unless you want to create a MASSIVE disconnect.

24. Buy speed. Specialized information has never been as easy to get as it is today. All you got to do is invest in the stuff and you'll buy yourself years of speed.

25. Ready - shoot - aim. NOT Ready, aim, shoot.

26. Study Direct response marketing because unlike 'traditional brand marketing" it delivers results that you can track.

27. Master crafting killer sales copy if you want to sell a shit pile of stuff.

28. Action trumps knowledge - period. It's a lie… knowledge is not power. Knowledge APPLIED is.

29. Don't wait for perfect. Perfect will never happen.

30. Learn to sell. This is the single most HIGH DEMAND skill ever. Nothing happens until a sale is made.

31. Model success, studies others, and learns from those who have already done it right.

32. Take time off to decompress, bring back down to neutral once in a while.

33. Try new things.

34. Network often. It's not WHAT you know; it's WHO you know, and how THEY feel about you.

35. Ask for help. No man (or woman) is an island.

36. Look for mentors, people you can learn from, people you look up to, people who are already where you want to be.

37. Less talk more action. Just get it done… anyone can talk big.

38. Make it new and improved. If you want more sales, reinvent yourself and your products. Look at what happened to Coke when they introduced the fridge pack or Trident gum when they repackaged their product - both products increased sales virtually overnight. People want new and improved… so give it to them.

39. Exercise you body. Some of the best business ideas I get come to me while I'm working out. It's proven that workouts release "happy hormones" into your bloodstream and working out alters your state-of-mind and makes you more creative.

40. Exercise your mind. Challenge yourself. Take in new information, thoughts, ideas, and concepts. Expand your mind.

41. Publish a book - become an instant authority.

42. Success happens in chaos, a line from Dan Kennedy. And it's true.

43. Catch the big fish. You're going to work just as hard to get the big fish as you do with getting the small ones. The bigger fish are way more profitable and require much less maintenance.

44. Repel riff-raff’s. Inevitably you'll attract riff raffs, tire kickers, people who can't (or won't) afford what you're selling. Learn to spot them quickly and set up systems to repel them. Let them go to your competitors.

45. Come with a giving hand. Zig Ziglar says "when you help enough people get what they want… you'll get what you want." Eben Pagan says be a value ADDER to other people's lives and not a value EXTRACTOR.

46. It's about what you KEEP not what you EARN. Manage your business, your profits, and your expenses.

47. Fail forward. I'd rather reach for 10,000,000 and only hit 5,000,000 than reach for 100,000 and make it.

48. Protect your time. You only have so much of it and there are way too many vampires trying to take it.

49. Listen. Don't "wait to speak"… actually listen.

50. Have unreasonable expectations. Dream big… no matter how stupid it seems to others.

51. Be humble.

52. Know what you want. Forget about keeping up with the Jones'. What do YOU want?

53. Know your numbers. You can tell me anything you want about your business, but nothing will tell a more truthful story than the actual numbers.

54. Be unique and original.

55. Make it irresistible. Give them a compelling reason to BUY IT now.

56. Pre-sell. Don't wait for the doors to open or for the site to be up. See it now.

57. Cross-sell. What else can you sell them? What else do they WANT?

58. Think high profit low risk.

59. Strike while the iron's hot. Don't think about, kick it around, or get to it later. If you have a good idea… there's no better time than NOW to get on it.

60. Understand how money moves… because it's always moving… to… or away from you.

61. Enjoy life. This is not a trial run.

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