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The Health Questionnaire consists of several modules designed to gauge different facets of your nutritional and lifestyle habits. The questions have been created, reviewed, and approved by a team of medical and nutritional experts headed by the Nutrilite Health Institute. Click on the module you wish to take. We encourage you to complete all the modules.Helpful Tip: As each module is taken or updated, more personalized recommendations will be made for you. Check your recommendation report often for updates and additions.
Your Recommendation Report Has Been Generated
General Health ModuleAsks about your lifestyle, activity level, and eating habits. Estimated time to complete this module: 12 minutes.
Heart Health ModuleCenters on how your nutrition and lifestyle habits may affect your cardiovascular health. Estimated time to complete this module: 5 minutes.
Vitamin/Antioxidant ModuleAsks specific questions about your nutritional habits and lifestyle activity, your exposure to free radicals, and your metabolism. Estimated time to complete this module: 8 minutes.
Heart Health Genetic Test ModuleAsks you to supply the results of the optional GENSONA(TM) Heart Health Genetic Test. Estimated time to complete this module: 1 minute.
General Nutrition Genetic Test ModuleAsks you to supply the results of the optional Gensona General Nutrition Genetic Test. Estimated time to complete this module: 2 minutes.
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Networking Event for Entrepenuers

Hotep, the founder of Hustle University will be speaking at this innovative event for The Movers & Shakers Summit of Atlanta.
You can find him on http://www.hustleuniversity.org/.
You can also check out any of his books on his site and Amazon.com under Hustle University.

Ways to Add Romance to Your Dating Relationship

Send a Handwritten Love Letter
It is rare to receive any sort of handwritten letter these days, and that's exactly why you should write and mail a love letter to your partner. A simple card with a thoughtful passage will suffice, although a one-page love letter detailing why you think your sweetie is special is a simple romantic idea that can do wonders for any relationship.
You can also leave love letters in specific places you know your date will find and appreciate - such as in their lunch bag, at the bottom of a pair of socks, or scrawled across a cookie with their favorite kind of icing.
It is rare to receive any sort of handwritten letter these days, and that's exactly why you should write and mail a love letter to your partner. A simple card with a thoughtful passage will suffice, although a one-page love letter detailing why you think your sweetie is special is a simple romantic idea that can do wonders for any relationship.
You can also leave love letters in specific places you know your date will find and appreciate - such as in their lunch bag, at the bottom of a pair of socks, or scrawled across a cookie with their favorite kind of icing.
Top 10 Love Letter Collections
By Esther Lombardi, About.com
1. 50 Greatest Love Letters of All Timeby David H. Lowenherz. Random House. For this collection, David Lowenherz draws from hundreds of historical sources to find witty, sexy, and touching epistles. What do these letters say about the writers? Read more about history's most famous lovers.
2. Love Lettersby Peter Washington, and Kevin Young (Editor). Alfred A. Knopf, Inc. This collection features 200 love letters from poets and by princes--both fictional and from "real" life. These letters delve into the realms of tragedy and comedy. This book is beautiful, perfect for anytime you're in the mood to read about love.
3. Love Letters: A Romantic Treasuryby Tara McFadden, and Rick Smith (Illustrator). Running Press Book Publishers. From the publisher: "From sweet nothings to the profound insights of a person's soul, love letters capture a rare glimpse of our innermost thoughts and desires. Here we see love as defined by literary greats of the last two centuries, including Franz Kafka, Anais Nin, Jack London, and Vita Sackville-West."
4. The Letters of Abelard and Heloiseby Betty Radice (Editor). Penguin. This collection features the work of Michael Clanchy, the biographer of Abelard. The Letters of Abelard and Heloise features advice from Abelard, as well as the "lost love letters." This book also features a chronology, notes, and maps. You'll get a good sense of the time, and the relationship of Abelard and Heloise--one of the most tragic love stories of all time.
5. Little Book of Love Lettersby Lil Copan, Elizabeth Cody Newenhuyse (Editor). Love letters can be funny, touching, or romantic. Drawing from classic sources, this small volume offers a collection of love letters with a variety of sentiments.
6. A Love No Lessby Pamela Newkirk. Doubleday & Company. This collection features letters of African American lovers. You'll read love letters between slaves, but you'll also discover love letters from Paul Laurence Dunbar, World War II soldiers, and other writers--through time.
7. Love Letters, Lostby Babbette Hines. Princeton. This collection was salvaged form a variety of sources. Babbette Hines also offers suggestions on how to write a love letter.
8. Selected Lettersby Robert Gittings. Oxford University Press. Selected Letters features 170 letters, written between 1816 and 1820. Jon Mee includes an introduction and notes.
9. Journey from withinby Charlotte Perkins Gilman, Mary A. Hill (Editor). Bucknell University Press. Charlotte Perkins Gilman is famous for "Yellow Wallpaper," and for her place in the feminist movement. With this collection, you'll see a whole new side of her life and works. Mary A. Hill includes an introduction and notes to put the letters into context.
10. The Lost Love Letters of Heloise and Abelardby C.J. Mews. Palgrave Macmillan. The relationship--through letters--between Abelard and Heloise have been a matter of some controversy and debate. Read more about the letters.
Monday, August 3, 2009
Romantic Ideas
By Bonny Albo, About.com
Take Notes of What Your Loved One Likes
When your loved one mentions a romantic idea or item in passing that they'd enjoy, write it down on a personalized yet private "romantic idea wish list". There is no need to show your loved one that you have such a list, but make sure these romantic ideas are something you carry around with you at all times (say a piece of paper tucked into a corner of your wallet or a tiny notepad in your purse). Then, when your loved one express interest in a particular item or romantic idea - say a CD, book, movie, trip, culinary experience, concert, sporting event or gizmo - jot it down. When an anniversary, birthday, celebration or "just because" day rolls around, you'll have a large list of romantic ideas and gifts to pick from that will show how much you care and pay attention.
Let her choose her own jewelry
Research all kinds of pick their own gift ideas
How to Care for Your Skin - Eczema Skin Care Tips
Eczema Skin Care Tips
By Phylameana lila Desy, About.com
Guest article by Dr. Rita Louise
What is Eczema?Eczema can best be described as a non-contagious skin condition, which is characterized by hot dry itchy skin, with symptoms that often fluctuate seasonally and even over the course of the day. Eczema typically begins in early childhood. Research indicates that eczema may be genetically determined and studies show that there is often a family history of allergies, asthma, eczema or hay fever. Children who experience eczema may also suffer from asthma or hay fever as well.
Like an allergy, eczema tends to flair up when exposed to certain triggers, especially mechanical irritants, allergens, emotional stress, heat and sweating. When exposed to an offending situation, inflammation producing cells come to surface of the skin and release chemicals, leaving the skin red, pealing and thickened. Sometimes tiny blisters form, rupture, weep and crust over.
Eczema most often appears in and round the creases of joints of the arms and legs and around trunk of the body. For some, it also emerges on their hands and on the sloes of their feet. Sufferers also experience an intense itching makes them want to scratch it, causing additional damage which can lead to bleeding and infection.
Solvents, chemicals, detergents, bleach, woolen clothing, skin care products that contain alcohol and certain soaps or fragrances are all considered mechanical irritant that can cause burning, itching or redness to the skin and bring about a flair-up. And while allergens, like food, pollens and pets, do not irritate the skin, they can also trigger a flair-up. The same holds true to emotional stress. Intense emotions such as anger and frustration can flair up symptoms. Many individuals with eczema also do not tolerate extremely hot or cold temperatures as well. High humidity can cause increased sweating, while low humidity can dry the skin.
Bloggers Commentary (Great Laundry Detergent is SA8. I have a friend who has Eczema and she found when using this detergent she had less flare ups. - http://jwaller.qhealthbeauty.com/products/product.aspx?itemno=E0002)
Wellness Recommendations for Treating Eczema
- Prevention - The key to controlling eczema is prevention. Avoid or reduce your exposure to things that can irritate your skin such as household cleaners, detergents, certain soaps and wool clothing.
- Moisturize - Use a moisturizer on your skin every day to help keep it soft and flexible.
Gentle rejuvenating skin car - http://jwaller.qhealthbeauty.com/Products/Thumbnail.aspx?ctg=17997&ast=636039&rtl=12734
- Don't Scratch - Do not scratch even if it itches! Scratching can further irritate the skin and can even cause the skin to break and crack, opening the door to infection.
Identify Your Triggers - Take the time to identify your triggers. This can help you to avoid or limit your exposure to the offending item even better. If you think a food item is causing your problems, talk to your doctor about getting an allergy test or try an elimination diet to help you identify the offending product.
- Keep Hands Dry - Be sure to dry your hands completely after you wash them.
Wear Protective Gloves - Wear gloves when your hands will be exposed to anything that can irritate them.
- Stress Management - Learn to manage your stress through regular exercise, breathing techniques, biofeedback, meditation and yoga.
Natural Remedies for Eczema
- Gamma-linolenic acid (GLA) has been shown to help reduce the inflammation, dryness and scaleness often associated with eczema. GLA can be found in evening primrose oil, borage oil and currant seed oil.
Nutrilite PrimRose Plus - http://jwaller.qhealthbeauty.com/products/product.aspx?itemno=A8006
- If your skin becomes infected, the herb Oregon grape has been used for hundreds of years to treat infections and a variety of skin problems.
- Natures Sunshine’s Golden Salve is a blend of herbs, oils and beeswax that sooths and moisturizes rough, chafed, chapped skin.
- A homeopathic remedy for eczema may help relieve the itching and irritation associated with eczema and dermatitis of the skin and scalp.
How To Heal a Broken Bone Quickly
How To Heal a Broken Bone Quickly
By Jonathan Cluett, M.D., About.com
Updated: July 26, 2009
About.com Health's Disease and Condition content is reviewed by the Medical Review Board
By Jonathan Cluett, M.D., About.com
Updated: July 26, 2009
About.com Health's Disease and Condition content is reviewed by the Medical Review Board
Healing a broken bone takes time, and many patients don't want to be patient! Healing a broken bone is a process related to factors including patient age, overall health, nutrition, blood flow to the bone, and treatment.
Difficulty: Average
Difficulty: Average
Time Required: weeks
Here's How:
1. Stop Smoking:
Some of these recommendations may be controversial, or unknown the extent to which they affect bone healing. However, this much is clear. Patients who smoke, have a much longer average time to healing, and a much higher risk of developing a nonunion (non-healing of the bone). Smoking alters the blood flow to bone, and it is that blood flow that delivers the necessary nutrients and cells to allow the bone to heal.
Some of these recommendations may be controversial, or unknown the extent to which they affect bone healing. However, this much is clear. Patients who smoke, have a much longer average time to healing, and a much higher risk of developing a nonunion (non-healing of the bone). Smoking alters the blood flow to bone, and it is that blood flow that delivers the necessary nutrients and cells to allow the bone to heal.
2. Eat a Balanced Diet:
Healing of bone requires more nutrients that the body needs to simply maintain bone health. Patients with injuries should eat a balanced diet, and ensure adequate nutritional intake of all food groups.
3. Watch Your Calcium:
Patients with broken bones tend to focus on this one, and I place it below balanced diet, because the focus should be on all nutrients. It's true that calcium is needed to heal bones, but taking excessive doses of calcium will not help you heal faster.
Ensure you are consuming the recommended dose of calcium, and if not, try to consume more natural calcium--or consider a supplement. Taking mega-doses of calcium does not help a bone heal faster.
CalMag Vitamin -http://jwaller.qhealthbeauty.com/search/default.aspx?Ntt=calmag
Ensure you are consuming the recommended dose of calcium, and if not, try to consume more natural calcium--or consider a supplement. Taking mega-doses of calcium does not help a bone heal faster.
CalMag Vitamin -http://jwaller.qhealthbeauty.com/search/default.aspx?Ntt=calmag
Double X Supplement (MultiVitamin) - http://jwaller.qhealthbeauty.com/search/default.aspx?Ntt=double%20x - Helps to protect your DNA
4. Adhere to Your Treatment Plan:
Your doctor will recommend a treatment, and you should adhere to this. Your doctor may recommend treatments including cast, surgery, crutches, or others. Altering the treatment ahead of scedule may delay your recovery. By removing a cast or walking on a broken bone before your doctor allows, you may be delaying your healing time.
5. Ask Your Doctor:
There are some fractures that may have treatment alternatives. For example, "Jones" fractures of the foot are a conroversial treatment area. Studies have shown these fractures usually heal with immobilization in a cast and crutches. However, many doctors will offer surgery for these fractures because patients tend to heal much faster.
Surgery creates potential risks, so these options much be weighed carefully. However, there may be options which alter the time it takes for a bone to heal.
Surgery creates potential risks, so these options much be weighed carefully. However, there may be options which alter the time it takes for a bone to heal.
6. Augmenting Fracture Healing:
Most often, external devices are not too helpful in accelerating fracture healing. The following devices have not been shown to accelerate the healing of most fractures. However, in difficult situations, these may be helpful to aid in healing of broken bones:
Electrical Stimulation
Ultrasound Treatment
Electrical Stimulation
Ultrasound Treatment
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